This is not an easy topic to talk about...But "death" is a part of life, and the truth is most of us will experience losing someone close to us some time in our lives. The pain is devastating and the feelings are numbing...As I lost both my parents to cancer, I initiated this project to help others going through a difficult grieving period.
I created a landing page of content and activities I've accumulated over time, that have helped me during the first few months of bereavement. {Update- the Landing page became a mini directory website of accumulated content dedicated to help others cope with loss. www.lolevad.com}
In addition, I believe that engaging in art has a healing and therapeutic affect on our well-being, that is why every year on the day of my parents' passing I create some form of art with the community/family or alone and release it out into the world, to spread the love and heal my soul.